price of iphone 6

posted on , by manu

Price of iphone 6 and more details: price and reveiw and comparision with other phones: the apple has released the new 2 gaint phones which are iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus which were officially released on the sept 9.the iphones are best phones yet but they lag in the design of the phone,as accoriding to my review the physical apperance of the phone is weird,before the phones were ...


iphone 6 plus vs iphone 6 vs iphone 5s

posted on , by manu

Comparitions of iphone new models: recently apple has released the new phones that are iphone 6 plus and iphone 6 and the old one iphone 5s not that old but released in the year 2014.but there is a vast change in these phones.most people love the iphone by its design and its ios software which is easy to use and handle.iphone 5s is smaller screen compared to the other phones and the ...


ios 8 download

posted on , by manu

HOW TO DOWNLOAD IOS 8: According to me ios 8 is a leading mobile operating system in the world.apple is trying to keep the apple gadgets ahead,apple company had already relaeased the official date that iphone 6 will be released on 9 sept 2014.i think ios 8 will be released on the same day when they release the iphone 6.becuse in the lsame last year when they released the ios 7 then the ...


how to make chocolate at home

posted on , by manu

how to make chocolate at home: Chocolate is a favourite snack or food which is taken by all it may be any age,the most choclates in the world are sold by hersheys.hersheys make the best and smooth chocolate which is tastier to eat and it melts down easily in the mouth.there are some things which chocolate should be made in some process.i think at home chocolate is made tastier but it ...


how to make a pizza at home

posted on , by manu

how to make a pizza at home To make the pizza we just require some things which can be bought from the market and an oven.while making the pizza there are many types of pizzas,first we need to select which pizza we need to make and all,then get the intretigents from the market and add them step by step,as when we make the pizz at home we dont get it perfectly as we get it outside becuse ...


Get money in a day

posted on , by manu

Getting money on internet:  I think getting money on internet is a easy process but should atleast have some knowledge on code languages or blogging,there are so many ways in which we can get money for example there is blogging,in blogging we need to blog by posting the posts,the post should be geninune not only orginal it shud be with low compettion keywordthis is not a way but ...